Well, it's official. I'm happy to have this blog up and running! I decided it would be fun to keep everyone up to date on my efforts in Triathlon and beyond! It should be fun. I hope you enjoy reading it. If you don't, blame someone else...I'm giving it my all here :)
Season Recap: This season got started early with Eugene marathon training back after the first of the year. I successfully ran the Eugene Marathon, albeit sick and with some major airway problems, and most importantly, got engaged at the finish line! It was awesome! I took a little time off to let my legs and lungs heal and hit the start line for the Pacific Crest Half Ironman towards the end of June.

PCT: I knew a little way into the swim I wasn't going to have a great day. I can normally swim with/and or beat everyone in the field. On this day though I couldn't keep up with the main pack as they swam away from me. I came out of the water about 4 min slower than what I thought I would be out in. The bike went ok, but again I couldn't ride with the main age group guys like I normally can. Still, I had a decent bike. The run, well it was a whole different story. It became a walk after mile one and ended with me once again in the medical tent receiving treatment (EUG marathon I ended in Medical as well). Overall I finished almost an hour off my best time at 5:50 something (I actually never checked the final results I was so disapointed!).
So, I've spent the last few weeks recovering and getting back into more base type training. I picked up a nasty IT band injury the other week backpacking and am currently dealing with that. It's getting better and so are my lungs! I have readjusted my race schedule for the year and think at this point I will solely be concentrating on Ironman Arizona in November. I'll do a few more weeks of heavy base training and then start my ramp up for IMAZ. Hopefully it will be a little cooler out! It was 106 yesterday in Eugene! Thanks for reading!!

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