Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Slogging away!

Been a few weeks since I signed in with an update. Not too much going on. Been building the disciplines up in volume and intensity. The last few weeks have been pretty similar: couple swims, bikes and runs during the week (one interval workout for each discipline). Come the weekend it has been an 80-90 mile ride Saturday. Now the new thing for Sunday is I've been focusing on a longer brick. Basically I head up into the hills with my bike and ride for 2-3 hours at low intensity and then run 60-90 minutes off of that. It has been interesting. Since the volume is still relatively new post accident, the first Sunday was BRUTAL. This last weekend was much better. Felt stronger on both days than the preivous week. The climbing is no joke either (5700ft the first week, 3500ft this past week). Come this week though I was ready for some rest. Luckily my coach knows me best and had already scheduled a recovery week this week. Man he is good. I'm already feeling ready for the next 6 weeks. And let me tell you, I'm all in these last 6 weeks! I know it is going to be incredibly hard at times, but I also know it's going to be worth it in the end. I'm fortunate to have one of the best coaches in the business in my corner and the most supportive wife and family I know of. This is the home stretch. CDA and IMC are what I've been working towards for the past 5+ years. I have done both races previously, and have done both with respectable times (10:47 and 10:43)...however I want 48 and 44 minutes faster on each course. CDA will be somewhat of a crap shoot. A lot depends on how much volume I can take without injury or illness with the shorter build up time due to the surgery and crash. Despite this, I know it is possible and I will work my ass off to make it a reality. Thanks as always for checking in. Be safe. -T

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