Saturday, May 12, 2012


Coming up on 5 weeks until CDA. Amazing how fast the time has flown by! This morning I had the pleasure to get in my long ride with a good group of teammates. These guys like to ride early so we were rolling by 6:30am. The nice thing is we were done by 12:15pm! Ended up being another 5 hour day in the saddle, 90 miles in the bank. The ride felt great. I'm getting stronger each week. I'm finally starting to feel like my old self again on the bike. In fact I lead a nice pull for about 10 miles that apparently was done at a pretty fast effort. To me it felt like it should on the flats and rollers, get down and get your heart rate where it needs to be an crank the miles out. We ended up with 4k of climbing so not too bad, but there was a nice climb toward the beginning that I felt pretty good on. So, all in all I'm feeling pretty good about where I am at today. Despite all the forced time off, I feel like I'm starting to enter into that "Ironman Fit" stage. Where you crank out 5-6 hour rides without thinking about it. 2 hour runs become common place. Etc, etc.

That's a good place to be in for me. There was a lot of doubt as to where I would be come the start line of CDA. I know I won't be 100%, but I will be as close as I can get. I'm really enjoying the time back in the saddle as well. It is tough to explain but after going through that wreck, there were definitely moments when I thought about "what if that had been worse and I couldn't ride again?" Or worse yet, didn't want to? Luckily the wreck has just helped to remind me of how much I love this sport and has definitely made me even more aware on the road (if that's even possible). Well, thanks for taking the time to check in.

Be safe out there.


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