It was one of those runs. My legs were feeling light, pavement felt more like bark dust, the miles were ticking away...everything was just perfect. It was late morning, but could have been 2am for all I cared. When I have a workout, especially a run workout, like this...I'm in heaven. It's hard to explain, maybe it's runner's high...I dunno, but it feels good! And then it old couple almost hits me with their car. Remember, I am RUNNING. And they almost hit me. Unbelievable.
I was almost an hour into an 80 minute run on Sunday. Focus on the run Trevor. One of the things I'm working on for Ironman is my mental focus. Whether it is on a 6 - 7 hour ride or some 800s on the track, I'm trying to learn to harness the power of the mind. They say Mind over Matter for a reason right? :) I'm rambling. I've now regained focus. My stride still feels great, the sun is out and I'm now coming up to about 2 miles to go. I've been working on finising my long runs hard this summer. I try to finish each long run at half marathon pace. So, once I hit two miles to go I bring up the effort. I make the turn into my neighborhood and look at my watch...
Let's just say I was happy with the effort :) Back at the house for a quick change. We then take off to the pool to get in a swim workout. On the way there I happened to spot one of the most beautiful cars made. A Maserati...IN EUGENE!?! Crazy right?

You will have to excuse the picture. It was taken from my phone while driving (officer, I swear I won't do it again!). Anyways, just thought it was cool. The pool was awesome as long course was still going. I banged out 4200 meters and then soaked in some hot tub time with Meg. Life is good! I'm feeling very good with my training as of today. This week is a recovery week and it couldn't have come at a better time. I'm feeling very strong and ready to race Hagg in a little less than two weeks, but also happy to let the body recover a little from a heavy volume block of base work. More volume and intensity to come so I need to be as rested as possible. That being said, I think it's time to turn off the lights! Thanks for reading...
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