That's my cat below, Teton. He's pretty cool. It's a bad pic, but he is wrestling with the sheets on the bed. I sometimes wonder what he thinks about me. I ride my bike indoors, sometimes for hours on end and he'll just kind of watch me...then get bored, then come back and make sure I haven't taken off. When I come back from a run, especially the long 2 to 3+ hour runs, he wants nothing more than to follow me all around the house meowing to me about how much he missed me. The best is when I'm doing core work. I guess his attitude is, "Oh, cool. So you are going to hang out on the floor with me! Great, you are going to lay down?!? Hold on let me rub all up against you, purring like crazy!"
Anyways, cool cat even though I have never really liked cats! First "race" is next weekend...Shamrock 8k. Looking forward to it, but it will be at the tail end of a long week so I'm not expecting more than a tough training run. Should be fun!! Hope everyone is well. Thanks for reading...especially my sis! About time yo!

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