Sunday, July 24, 2011


Well, after months and months of cold weather it appears summer has finally arrived in Oregon! Yesterday hit mid to upper 80s and today hit 90 in some parts around Portland. Training has been going relatively well after my CDA recovery. Saturday's effort involved a 60 mile ride and a race pace run right off the bike. I started a little later than normal due to sleeping in (much needed!) and quickly realized how warm it was going to be out there. I stayed on my fluids and sodium as best I could and before I knew it I was almost done with the ride. I really attacked the hills to try and emulate CDA to see how my back would respond. It responded OK, but it is clear I have something going on with it. Off the bike and a quick 20 min run at sub 7 min mile pace. It felt great. Although I must say after this brick I couldn't even keep track of how many ounces of fluid I consumed while laying on my floor under the ceiling fan watching the tour! This Oregon boy is not yet accustomed to this heat.

Today involved a run of just under 2 hours. Again I got a late start after sleeping, but was happy to have my wife with me for this run! Well, she rode while I ran. Meg would talk with me for a bit and then zoom ahead and come back every so often. It was a lot of fun. Well, most of it. The heat really kicked my ass. Again I stayed on top of my sodium and electrolyte intake and was happy overall with the effort, but couldn't believe how hot it was. The best part however was sharing the day with my wife and enjoying a wonderful lunch afterwards. Not a bad way to spend your Sunday. That is it for now. Feeling fit and counting down the days to get it on at Lake Stevens!!


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