Friday, November 18, 2011


It has been a while. Things have been slow moving. After dealing with MRSA and then sinus surgery, I am finally starting to feel better. After recovery from my surgery I fought a cold for a week or two. Towards the end of last month I finally started feeling like myself again and was able to get back to some limited training. The first two weeks of November have been crazy with a lot of work, birthdays, celebrations, etc. My goal for this month was to get back into my routine so December I could start to lay some ground work. So far this mission has somewhat failed, but I will get there! The most important thing for me this fall was to recover from the previous seasons of triathlon and my health issues. I feel like this is happening, but now need to concentrate on fitness and weight. I had a tough time keeping my weight down with really very limited exercise for 8 weeks.

Usually I set goals throughout the season to keep me focused. If not goals, just fun little races to do. Because of my competitiveness, whatever the race is, I want to perform. This helps keep the firing burning throughout the season for me. Some may wonder why the fire isn't burning all the time. I live in Oregon. It rains, seriously, 8-9 months out of the year. It can be depressing. The thought of 3-4 hours every Saturday either riding in the rain or on the trainer can drive you crazy. I literally train the majority fall, winter, and spring in the dark. Early morning in a dark pool and late night on a trainer or treadmill. In a normal week the only light I will see while exercising during this time of the year is on the weekends. It can eat at you. That is why I try and keep little, fun races to keep me motivated. I had one such race a few weekends ago but couldn't go due to poor fitness and health. I'm looking for some more fun races around the first of the year as my first big race is end of March in Oceanside.

I promise to check in more often as I do enjoy sharing the day to day struggles of an age group triathlete. Thanks for checking in,


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