Well, the day is almost here! Thursday Meg and I leave for Arizona. It is so nice to finally have this race in sight! Everything seems to be going according to plan at this point. My bike has been shipped, so hopefully it IS waiting for me next to transition when I get there Friday. The weather forecast is looking very nice, please keep your fingers crossed!! And I'm really feeling quite good. My asthma and overall health seems to be fine which is a relief. Physically, my legs are feeling great and my swim has been very smooth and strong the last few weeks.
I have everything packed at this point and am looking forward to getting another night of good sleep tonight. I'm so excited to just get to the start line. It will be a long day out there, but I'm very satisfied with the work I have put in and feel confident that I have done what I need to do to have a good race on Sunday. I have my nutrition and race plan nailed down which is good, because I have spent plenty of time stressing about that stuff in half Irons before!
For those interested, you can follow me online on race day at Ironman.com. My race number is 394. As always, thanks for reading.

ReplyDeletethe Force is with you.
Her name is
Rock it out, brotha!
Requesting long FP run post 'Man for all the details, avec Ault.
Keep the internal smile on at all times...
-the Professa