Friday, November 25, 2011
So, I had a relaxing vacation that allowed me to get some quality r&r as well as some good run workouts in. I'm feeling more excited about this upcoming season now and looking forward to another VO2 max test next month. That gives me a few weeks to get ready. This VO2 max will not give me an accurate depiction of where I am from a fitness standpoint, but it will clue me into how out of shape I am :) It will also help to show how the new asthma medicine I'm on is working. It will also allow coach and I to set some goals for another test two months later.
Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Usually I set goals throughout the season to keep me focused. If not goals, just fun little races to do. Because of my competitiveness, whatever the race is, I want to perform. This helps keep the firing burning throughout the season for me. Some may wonder why the fire isn't burning all the time. I live in Oregon. It rains, seriously, 8-9 months out of the year. It can be depressing. The thought of 3-4 hours every Saturday either riding in the rain or on the trainer can drive you crazy. I literally train the majority fall, winter, and spring in the dark. Early morning in a dark pool and late night on a trainer or treadmill. In a normal week the only light I will see while exercising during this time of the year is on the weekends. It can eat at you. That is why I try and keep little, fun races to keep me motivated. I had one such race a few weekends ago but couldn't go due to poor fitness and health. I'm looking for some more fun races around the first of the year as my first big race is end of March in Oceanside.
I promise to check in more often as I do enjoy sharing the day to day struggles of an age group triathlete. Thanks for checking in,
Friday, October 7, 2011
Kona Prediction Time;postID=5412085016247947272
Well here are my guesses at this year's race...
Miranda Carfrae - She owns the Kona run course marathon record. She is defending champ. I watched her run down an elite ITU (short course professionals) field in an Olympic Distance event (Hyvee) in convincing fashion. Her speed was remarkable. She has worked on her bike this year with Julie Dibens. She is my pick. I am willing to bet she will out run Chrissie tomorrow. The challenge will be not allowing Chrissie to get to far ahead of her on the bike.
Chrissie - Freak of nature. However, she recently had a bad accident on her bike. She seems fragile in her posts and communication. She had to pull out last year at last minute due to illness. I think she is kind of a mental case right now and believe unless he can get 5-10 minutes clear of Carfrae on bike she will be beat.
Dibens - She needs 15 minutes on the bike. I don't think she will get it. I figure she will come in 3rd-5th.
Notables - Caroline Steffan, Mary Beth Ellis (but might be burned out after so many Ironman races this year).
Wow, too hard to predict, but here are my guesses...
Craig Alexander - Easy pick, but did you see his run at 70.3 champs? 1:11 on a hilly course after a great bike? Dude is in good form. Only thing that might mess him up is he is swapping to another new bike right before Ironman. Hard to adjust and be comfortable so close to a 112 mile race, but he is a professional so I'm sure he will be fine.
Marino Vanhoenacker - I know he is the sexy pick, but how do you argue against him? He went 7:45 in Austria. If he can really out ride Crowie like last year I don't think he will be caught.
Timo Bracht - He won Lanzorate in record time. Great biker, but don't think he quite has the run to contend. I like him in 5-7th position.
Pete Jacobs - Amazing runner. If hadn't had a penalty last year would have been in contention for top 3. I feel he can run sub 2:40 tomorrow if in the hunt. Yes, sub 2:40. He will be in top 3 if he can hang on bike.
Andreas Raelert - Holds the record with 7:41 in Roth. Took Macca down to the wire last year and ultimately didn't have enough. Was injured earlier this year. I think he is going to have to push too hard on the bike and be forced to exert more energy than desired earlier in the run and falter to 4-7th spot.
Dirk Boekel - I had Dirk in my contention last year and I will do it again this year. If memory serves me right Dirk had a penalty last year too and still made top 7 or 8. He hasn't proved he can run 2:45 and he will have to tomorrow to make to 3. I feel like he has put in the work and will hang tough for most of the marathon. 3-5th place
Luke Bell - Love this guy. Saw him race in person in Lake Stevens. He has regained some old form. He will be in top 10.
Tim O'Donnel - First year in Kona. Great debut in Texas this year. Can run and put himself in the red zone for some time. I like him for top 10 in debut.
Eneko Llanos - Pulled away in Texas. Always a contender. Top 5 guy tomorrow is my guess.
Rasmus Henning - Seems like a mess to me. Could be wrong, but I think he still needs a year or two until he has the mental fortitude to go toe to toe late in the day at Kona.
So...if I had to pick an order
1) Crowie (won't make same mistakes as last year and allow field to ride away from him)
2) Vanhoenacker - Duels Craig to the end, but comes up short
3) Jacobs - Makes it to energy lab with Crowie and MV, but doesn't have final gear to pull away
4) Llanos - Steady and consistent get him back on podium
5) Boekel - Makes his first podium with awesome bike and solid run
So there you have it! Enjoy tomorrow. I know I will!!!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Sinus surgery
About 6 months ago I found my guy though. Dr. Justin Pavlovich at the Portland Clinic is my hero. After multiple visits and a couple pictures of the sinuses, it was clear I had some major issues. In order to control this problem he needed to go back in and address the concerns. So we agreed. The plan was to get through the triathlon and busy work season (spring/summer) and do the surgery in Fall. Yesterday was the day. Everything went well and so far I must say that these procedures have advanced so much versus a decade or two ago. Better equipment, better drugs, etc. Doc told me that my Maxillary sinuses (check bones) were basically closed. Yes closed. He was amazed anything was draining out of there. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. If we would have gotten out of that surgery and I heard it went well and should be better moving forward that would be fine. But to hear, you had major drainage issues, on a scale that truly prevented two major sinuses to we fixed them. Well hot damn. The hope is this will not only dramatically reduce sinus infections, but will also help with my asthma and allergies. Despite being a little banged up still, I'm one happy guy.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
A week post race I did a 60 mile ride with a friend. It was hot out. I was tired. We did a big climb during the ride. The next day I was destroyed. Totally worn down. Later that night I discovered a lump/cyst down by the...well...jewels. I instantly thought it was just irritation from riding. It was hot, I was sweating, etc. After two days, the cyst had increased in size and pain. I was now starting to get very concerned. By Wednesday I called the doc who put me on the antibiotic bactrim. By Thursday it had started to really become an issue with mobility. It was extremely painful and made it difficult to walk/move, etc. By Friday afternoon, I had my Dad look at it (a physician). Within 10 minutes we were in route with my wife to the ER in the small town of Florence on the Oregon Coast. Of course, 45 minutes later my Dad and Mom were expecting 40 people at their house for my sister's wedding rehearsal dinner!!!
Luckily Florence is a very small town and my Dad was able to talk with the physician on duty directly. We were pretty certain it was MRSA which is a form of a staph infection. If you have ever watched "What it takes" it is what Peter Reid had in the summer of 05. So, the doc quickly cut it open, packed it up in a way that it could continue to drain for the next few days and I was off. I felt instantly better, but I was still spooked. You never want to see anything happen down there. Ever. This was Friday night. By Monday am I was in to see the Urologist. I was immediately ordered off all activity for 2-3 weeks and no bike or swim for a month. I have an ultra sound next week and at that point I can resume aforementioned bike and swim.
This has been a very scary and educational experience for me. When I met with the urologist, I asked him how I could have developed MRSA, especially down there. His thoughts were that normally he saw those infections in the chronically ill, think elderly, disease, etc. This is due to their immune systems being so deficient that these infections are able to take hold. His hypothesis is that my immune system was so below normal that I was ripe for an infection. So, I post this to all that do our sport, for fun, competition or otherwise. Listen to your body. This, luckily, ended up being nothing, but a forced break from training (pending ultra sound), but you never know. It is important that we realize that when training for Ironman, we must take care of ourselves as most of us are balancing so many other stresses in our life.
So for now...I'm out. I'm doing nothing. Went for my first run this past weekend. It felt...hard. Hard to imagine I was competing just a few weeks ago. Next year is going to be epic. But clearly my body needed to tell me something. After 4 years of non stop training, battling through a recession at a stressful job, getting married, and moving to a different town...I needed a break. So said break has occurred. I have done nothing, but gain weight.
Stay healthy out there. Lots of sleep. Keep a balance. And treasure what you have. Thanks for checking in,
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Time to think
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Lake Stevens 70.3 race report
Trevor Yates
1107 | 33 | Wilsonville OR USA | Management |
28:20 | 2:42:21 | 1:39:22 | 4:54:04 | 99 | 14 |
TOTAL SWIM | 1.2 mi. (28:20) | 1:29/100m | 30 | 5 |
| ||||
TOTAL BIKE | 56 mi. (2:42:21) | 20.70 mph | 83 | 12 |
| ||||
RUN SPLIT 1: 6.61 mi | 6.61 mi (49:06) | 7:25/mi | ||
RUN SPLIT 2: 13.1 mi | 6.49 mi (50:16) | 7:44/mi | ||
TOTAL RUN | 13.1 mi (1:39:22) | 7:35/mi | 99 | 14 |
T1: SWIM-TO-BIKE | 2:06 | |||
T2: BIKE-TO-RUN | 1:55 | |||
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Lake Stevens!!

Well, Ironman Lake Stevens 70.3 is just around the corner. I'm getting pretty excited for the race! As I mentioned last post, I've been concentrating on the fun factor of triathlon as of late. So, what is my goal going into the race? Go ahead, ask me. I won't have an answer for you other than to go until there is nothing left. In fact, I guess I do have one goal. Shoot, I really have two. 1) Swim. First pack. I have been afraid to race to my potential in the swim like I used to.
2) Bike. Race. Hard. Again, bike is a strength, but you wouldn't know from recent race results.
Shit, OK...I have 3 goals.
3) Run. As Macca would say...embrace the suck. I plan on going out fast and maintaining. Will the wheels fall off? I hope not. But I'm pushing my chips in. I'm fit and ready.
Time to rock. And have fun. Gonna enjoy every minute of it! Feel free to follow online at if you want. I have no idea what my bib number is...haven't bothered to check. Part of the having fun part. Thanks for taking the time to read!!
Sunday, August 7, 2011