Monday, February 7, 2011

Swim Challenge

Swimming is by far the toughest discipline for me to keep at during the winter. Don't know what it is about it. Maybe the cold weather and darkness outside? Maybe my history as a swimmer (spent years of my adolescence swimming before and after school). But whatever it is...I struggle to get to the pool consistently during the winter. The funny part is my coach doesn't really care! Mostly because I'm in the top 1% or so of swim times and I can get in swim shape very quickly. Furthermore, the swim segment in the Ironman does not carry much significance for a swimmer than for a non swimmer. A non swimmer must worry about not only time, but also about conserving energy for the other two disciplines. For many swimming 60 to 120 minutes is a huge undertaking. Not so for a former distance swimmer. to stay motivated for swim this season? A good friend and I have our first "swim off" at the end of this month. We will be swimming in the am and then heading out for a long ride after. Loser buying lunch after the ride. It should be a great time, and just plain fun! I will admit, despite the impending swim date...I still haven't been swimming like I should! Darn it...when will I learn? Maybe after picking up the bill in a few weeks!!

Beyond the upcoming swim date, things are pretty boring. This is my final month of base work. Probably coming at a good time as I'm still recovering from January's onslaught of sinus infections. Michael is helping to get me dialed on my bike. I'll be excited to see how the latest adjustments impact my back. In the meantime I'm trying to get in all my core and band work to help strengthen my core to help with the back issues as well. Well, that's it to report on for now. Thanks for taking the time to read,


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