Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Back at it...
On a training front, I got in two hours on the trainer today. It would be nice to still be riding after work, but fall is upon us!! It was stormy and rainy today, not to mention that it get's dark now at like 7pm. That is the one bad part about Arizona. The last two months make it pretty tough to get the cycling in. The running and swimming isn't too bad, although it's much more tough to wake up for a swim practice when it's raining and dark out as opposed to sunny and warm. But, that is enough belly aching for one post. I need to hit the sack so I can get in a good day of work and training tomorrow!! I'm praying for decent weather this weekend, it's going to be a long training weekend so rain would suck! Thanks for reading,
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Home sick...

Friday, September 25, 2009
Be flexible...
I am 8 weeks away come Sunday. I'm happy that I'm going through this illness now and not later. It's been challenging, but I'm backing off from training appropriately to allow my body to recover. At the same time, the rest is allowing my body to absorb all the tough training of the past month...so it's not the worst thing in the world. For the first time in a while, I can say I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow! Thanks for reading,
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
This weekend is shaping up to be a good training weekend. Century ride on Saturday and 20 mile run on Sunday. We also have a wedding and meeting with a photographer scheduled in there as well. Could be hectic! Lots of balls in the air right now. Kinds of makes it fun, but also crazy at the same time. I feel like my swimming has suffered lately. I had a good swim at Hagg Lake race the other week but making it to the pool since has been challenging especially this past week. Oh well, it's all part of the game right? Ok, better get to bed to get some of that much needed rest!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Best wife ever...
I woke up Sunday morning feeling fresh for the first time in a few days. The only problem was it was still really cold outside. Think 42 degrees. No problem, Meg is still sleeping so I figure I can start my workout on the trainer. 90 minutes later Meg comes out and sits down on the couch. I ask her what she wants to watch since she has to put up with me riding the darn bike right next to her. She looks at me and asks, "isn't there football on? Aren't the Vikings playing?" I have yet to admit this to her, but somehow she looked even more beautiful than normal in that moment.
Back to training, I make it through the first 2 hours and the weather starts to look really nice outside. I decide to spend the next few hours outside. My legs were actually feeling pretty good considering I had put in a 15 mile effort the day before at marathon pace. It was all about the rest, I'm totally a believer in rest and recovery after training for this race. After a few hours outside I figured I had done enough and made for home. I think I ended up somewhere around 80 miles. Coach had said since I had been feeling so broken down that if I wanted to ride on Sunday I could but I had to do it at 110 hr or below. I averaged 109. Perfect.
Back to the best wife ever...I'm sitting on the couch unwinding getting ready for our favorite show "Mad Men" to start. Next thing I know she is bringing me our favorite drink (kind of our routine for the Sunday night show) a Manhattan!!! One lucky man I am. And I digress, back to training. Oh who cares... lots of swimming, cycling and running last week :) Check out this picture of the McKenzie from my ride on Sunday! Thanks for reading,

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Game Day...
Coffee. Where are you? Why don't you make yourself each morning and be waiting for me? Wait, you can do that? I just have to get it ready for you the night before? Damn, why don't I do that again? Oh well, on button is pushed and the magically sound of coffee being made is performed. A quick look over the sports section in the paper while inhaling an egg and ham sandwich reveals that the Ducks will have another tough test today. 18th ranked Utah is in town. And weather doesn't look great...high of 74 with morning showers.
The first cup of coffee starts to work and I begin to work on my post breakfast plans. Where is my IPOD? Short sleeve or long sleeve shirt this morning? Fuel belt, get over here. You see Meg has to host the tailgate today and therefore needs to be there early. I wasn't liking the idea of setting my arch nemesis (aka the alarm clock) to an earlier time so I'm getting my 2 hour run in on the way to the game. I'm going to meet her at the tailgate and she will have a change of clothes. Should be awesome! What an amazing girl I have :) She was actually the one that suggested the idea! I have a winner!!
And now I have an empty cup of coffee. I'm going to fix that. I'm also going to grab my runners and think about leaving soon!! Thanks to all for reading, sorry it's been kind of down lately...part of the ups and downs of Ironman training I guess. And...LET'S GO DUCKS!!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Pushing through...
Today was one of those days. I was so exhausted by the end of the work day that I fell asleep while sitting on my bed pondering how I was going to make it through tonight's workout. Luckily work hadn't stopped (it never does) and the ring of my phone woke me up. I put on my running shorts and challenged myself to try and get 30 minutes in. Once out and running, I started thinking about Arizona and how hard I'm working towards this goal. That usually helps do the trick and it did tonight. Enough that I was able to get in just over 7 miles. I will sleep well tonight.
I'm humbled by the challenge that I'm presented with. I have an enormous respect for all multi sport athletes. The ability to manage this sport with life, family, careers, etc is something to celebrate...so I applaud all of you! On my end, I made a commitment to do this the right way...to train safely and to not lose sight of what is important in my life. For those that I made that promise to, I won't! And I love you for supporting me in this challenge. I'm off to bed as I have a hell of a weekend of training coming up. I also have to squeeze in a Duck game in the middle of it...should be interesting. Thanks for reading,
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Challenging Days...
I got a good night's sleep and was feeling ok when I woke up extra early for work this morning. The plan called for swim this am, but I was on the road so no dice this morning...plus we had to be to work early. So, after spending the day in Medford and then driving the 3+ hours back I eventually hopped on my bike for my speed session. It called for 40 miles wherein 35 to 40 minutes of the workout would be a time trial. Same one I've been doing each week.
The wind wasn't bad today, but it was swirling. Basically, I just didn't have any energy. It was everything I could do to turn the pedals at 22 or 23 mph when I would normally be moving 24 to 27. Frustrating. I finished 90 seconds slower than normal and felt like falling over I was so tired. I put it in easy drive and slowly made my way home trying to concentrate on positive stuff. I found during that workout, and others like it where I have really struggled, it's imperative to focus on your mental game. Ironman will be so challenging that you must be prepared to go through some serious pain and road blocks to finish where you want. At least that's my opinion. So with that, I've stuffed my face and am relaxing watching some tv and getting ready for bed. Tomorrow will be a better day! Thanks for reading,
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Off to a rest day...
I'm happy to be heading to bed for some much needed sleep and then a day off from training. I have two more heavy weeks of training, then a recovery week, and then 4 more weeks of intense training prior to taper for the big dance. I'm feeling good. I believe my training is right on schedule and am happy with how well everything is coming together. I kept thinking today...only 6 more tough weeks of this!! That's it. 6 weeks. I will do that.
Hope everyone had a great weekend, I sure did! Thanks for taking the time to read.
The build is on...

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Saturday rides...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Another day, another...
But this day was different. I rode strong and confident with my training partner. We took turns pulling and eventually he just asked me to lead the remaining few miles as he hung onto the wheel. I was thinking to myself, "why didn't I feel this good on Saturday!" That being said, I've had some time to reflect on Saturday's effort and am happy with the results. I'm basically in the process of beating my body down and to race well in the inclement weather and come out injury free and without asthma problems...I'm happy!
This week is my first bigger running week so wish me luck as I continue to build that part of the program. I'm happy with where the cycling and swimming are in regards to volume and am bringing up the running just as planned so I'm feeling good with where things are at right now. Work has been crazy and will continue to for the next month or so. It only adds to the fun right!?!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Scoggins Valley...

The crowd (which consisted of the other athletes, volunteers and Meg) started to count down to start time. I wanted to attack the swim as I felt like my swim has been good as of late and I wanted to try and put the hammer on the field early. Dave Campbell was the class of the field, and I knew Dave was going to kill me on the bike so I needed to get out of sight and out of mind from him if I wanted a chance to be with him on the run.
Swim: I quickly went to the front of the pack and took off. My turnover was high. I rounded the first buoy and thought I felt a guy behind me (from the picture he was obviously there), but I wasn't sure. I kept the pressure on through the first lap and then just set into a long, comfortable stroke. Right before the last buoy, the guy that I thought might have been behind me passed me. I followed him to the beach and entered transition just behind him. My swim split was 21 and change. Just what I wanted.

Bike: I quickly made my way onto the bike as I wanted to get out on the course first and get myself distance from the field. The course is two loops around the lake with an out and back section each loop. The course is fairly hilly, especially after the out and back section. I could tell right away that I didn't have the legs. I'm in my Ironman build so my legs are a little worn down after many 200 -250 mile weeks. That being said I felt ok. I made it to the turn around at the out and back and saw Campbell coming in. He was a little over a minute, maybe two behind me still. I was leading the race and thought if I could just enter the run within a minute or two of Dave I would have a chance. Coming up to the end of the first loop I felt Dave coming up on me. He passed me right at the end of the loop. I was now in second and trying to keep Dave in sight. I kept my cadence up and was noticing that I was riding just as fast as him on the flats and rollers but the hills were killing me. I lost ground on the two climbs on the end of the second loop and entered transition in what I thought was 4th place (later find out that two of the people that passed me were either Duathletes or Sprint guys). I was actually in second still. I was very careful on the bike as I knew the only negative outcome I could have out there was to wreck in the horrible conditions. I split 1:12 on the bike which was over 6min slower than Campbell. Maybe on a dry day I would have been about 1:10? Hard to tell, but I do know I used my brakes much more than normal just to be safe :)

Ironman Canada Photos...

Friday, September 4, 2009
Scoggins Valley...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Car lag...
We pulled onto Lake Shore drive in Penticton to register just after 8:15am and quickly found a parking spot. I was pretty worried as I know Ironman Canada normally sells out on site. We had volunteered in the hopes that we would be sent to the front of the line. Upon getting to the registration area I was terrified at the length of the lines. There must have been close to 1,000 people waiting in line!! I don't see any separate lines for volunteers. I start to panic. Just as I had made peace with the fact that I was going to have to wait hours at my chance to register a very friendly volunteer spotted me and asked if I was looking for the line for volunteers looking to register for the race for next year. "You bet your ass I am!!" Well, I'm sure I said something different, but regardless I was led around the back of this gigantic tent to a special entrance and was immediately sat down in front of a lady with a computer asking for my email address and credit card.
Heck yeah! We were out of there in a few minutes. Registration in hand, we stopped for breakfast and high tailed it out of our favorite country to the North. On our way home we stopped at Leavenworth for some Bavarian fun. It was a great trip, albeit short. Last week was a recovery week with training and was much needed. I'm confident my body took the opportunity to absorb the heavy base miles I put on it the past month. I'm now starting a strong 4 week build which includes a kick start of an Olympic Distance race at Hagg Lake on Saturday. Fun times. I'll post some pics from our adventure once I get them all downloaded from my camera. Oh, and I just looked...it appears for the first time in forever Canada didn't sell out on site so I guess we didn't really need to head north afterall. But we did, and it rocked!!