As promised, here are some photos from our trip up north to get my spot for next year. This was the view of the Okanogan Lake from our dock at our Bed and Breakfast.

Jordan Rapp coming down the finish chute for his first Ironman victory!!

To the right you have Meg and I taking in the finish line and preparing for our volunteer shift. Have I mentioned before how amazing Meg is?!? I'm so lucky to have her support and love!!
Below the podium boys are celebrating their top 3 in style!

And finally, our trip and volunteer work paid off the following morning as I was led to the front of an enormous line of athletes registering for next year. The whole process might have taken only 2 minutes for me. With that, we were off to start our long drive home!!

Thanks for reading,
And I'm lucky to have your love and support :) I love you!