So I was taking an ancillary road prior to joining up with a busier road. Basically it keeps you off of the busier road for a mile or two. As I was heading up an incline towards the end of this little road I came to an abrupt stop. 12 feet in front of me was a pit bull. I was frozen! The dog and I stared at each other for what seemed like a minute. I grabbed my water bottle and was prepared to squirt him if he came at me. He just kept staring at me...like he was challenging me to try and pass. He was literally sitting in the middle of the road. There was no way around. So, I quickly came to the conclusion that an extra mile or two was better than the chances of getting into it with a pit bull and I turned around.
The rest of the ride was fairly uneventful. I did have a flat, which I'm now much quicker at changing, got stung on the face by a bee, and had a nice lady at the quick mart wipe a bug off my face as I was stopping for more fluids! Too funny. All in all, it was a good ride considering how my legs felt. I averaged 19.0 for the entire ride which I was happy with. As soon as I got home I showered and then our friends showed up and we made our way over to Autzen to watch the Ducks. It was a nice day and now I'm laying around putting off my 16 mile run till a little later today...

Autzen at night on the left, Meg and I at our tailgate on the right.
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